The world of backups has expanded into more complex data protection
issues. Deduplication and disk-based
backups can increase backup and recovery speeds and efficiencies. iMotion
Data understands these complexities and delivers solutions for clients that fit
their requirements and optimize their operations.
There are multiple approaches to insure your data is protected and to improve
the responsiveness of your backup environment.
- Internal Backup and Recovery
- replace, remediate, or optimize data backup and recovery to meet SLAs,
economic efficiency and IT productivity
- Data Deduplication - meet
shorter backup windows and more reliable restores and/or to enable disk to
disk backup
- Data Replication - ensure
immediate, secure access to critical data even if there is a site failure,
loss of a file/data, or if access is needed in remote locations
- External Backup and Recovery
- provide for alternatives to internal backups to meet compliance or SLA
requirements using external internet based services. A project to reduce
cost, complexity, and administrative overhead for running internal
- Data Archiving - ensure
that data retention policies are in compliance with corporate, legal, or
outside regulations